Friday, April 2, 2010


When I put that little girl down to bed she had her head resting squarely on a cloth at the top of the crib that I lay out for each of them to catch spit up.  When she woke up at 3 a.m. I went to get her and she had scooted herself almost to the top of the crib!  Then when they woke up for the day I put them on their playmats on the floor to practice their crawling.  That little girl had her butt up in the air and at one point actually did a push up.  I told Ed it won't be long now before we have to get some baby gates.  She is just in such a hurry to get up and moving.  Alex on the other hand loves to lay on his tummy, so I put him on the floot to practice his crawling and he just zonks out.

It wasn't a fantasticly warm day here, but it was warm enough to bundle the cubs up for another walk to the post office.  Mom came over to help with them today so that always makes it easier.  At least one person can hold and sooth a crying baby so the other person can get the other crying baby washed, fed, changed or whatever.

They both had their baths, had a quick meal and proceeded to doze off in our arms.  But with the weather potentially turning nasty we had to get a move on if we were going to go for our walk.  So into the strollers they went with sunglasses on...( everytime I see them in their sunglasses I can almost hear the theme to the Blues Brothers).

Our weather man wasn't out today so we don't know the actual temperature.  However I can report that on the way back the wind started picking up and it was getting a bit chilly.  By the time we made it inside and got the twins fed the wind was really starting to howl.

The afternoon found me changing Alex on the changing table and once again that little boy pee'd on his mommy that loves him so much.... and then he grins!  This time I was putting a diaper in the bin and turned around to put the new one on him, just then he started to pee which startled me.  I jumped and bumped the changing table which made that shake, which made Alex jump and then we both laughed.  So again, the changing table cover went into the wash.  It'll be bare threads by the time they are 6 months old at this rate.

Mom stayed until around 5 when Ed got home.  We actually got Calista down rather early last night.  Alex was having a difficult time though.  He is still having some issues with his reflux, poor little guy.  The Dr. finally called us back and upped his dosage though.  Hopefully that will help.

The picture today is an older one, this is of Alex the day he came home from the hospital.  I call it, 'Oh My God, My Baby Has Fred Mertz Pants On!'.  Look how little that guy is!  And those pants now fit him perfectly.  On this day though they were about ready to swollow him up.

I'd like to do a quick product review here.  They aren't cheap, but they are really good bottles, the Playtex Ventaire bottles have a great design that keeps baby from sucking in too much air along with a curved bottle that makes it pretty easy to hold.  The only problem I've found with them is that there is this little plastic ring that goes into the bottom of the bottle.  So far we've had 4 of them crack on us.  And when they crack the milk leaks out.  We had quite the nasty mess in the fridge one Saturday morning when that happened.  Mom suggested that I write to them and see if they have any suggestions on how to keep them from cracking and how to get replacements.  I'll keep you all posted on that issue.  Otherwise, these are great bottles.

Ok, time for the best and the worst of Motherhood.

The worst part of Motherhood today is dreading the day they start to move around on their own.  Looking around your house and seeing all the potential problem spots.

The best part of Motherhood today is looking forward to the day they start to move around on their own.  Where will they go first?  What object will catch their eye that they just have to get to?

It really is bittersweet, this one.

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