Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Busy Busy Day!

I've been trying to get to my blog all day today, but that little girl just wouldn't leave my lap/shoulder today. For most of the day she was laid out on a pillow across my lap. Princess Calista just had to be on her pillow/throne. Every time I tried to put her in her crib, play pen, chair, swing... any where... she was just having none of it.

Alex was a little angel in the play pen today... nice and quiet all day for me.

We also had a communication break down on what time my Mom was going to be here, so that threw my dinner and shopping timing off by a bit. But at least her and Ed are here now and my arms are getting a break from holding the little girl all day.

Our adventure today was nothing spectacular, a trip to the grocery store. We were about out of formula and I wouldn't want to see this house with out formula in it.

So no pictures today, hopefully tomorrow. But I will give my best and worst of motherhood for the day.

The worst of motherhood is that it takes 4 hours to unload the dishwasher.

The best of motherhood was yesterday listening to my husband reading a book to Calista, making doggie and kitty sounds. Then listening to her coo and kick her leg in excitement.

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